One of the techniques available whereby the variety of abilities in a group can be enhanced and constantly been widened is through the process of paired learning. However Andrew Cogliano Jersey , not only does this method gives recognition to the fact that one learner has the right to be better than the other, the poorer learner also benefits and develops quicker as the method requires the active involvement of each learner. Further, as more information becomes accessible to learners within institutions of higher learning and without the aid of these institutions Cam Fowler Jersey , it is required of professional educators in higher education to work more indirectly as a manager of effective learning rather than focusing on the traditional roles of teaching and instruction. This is done in the realization that the overall quality of learning can be improved if learners have the opportunity to clarify, question, apply Anaheim Ducks Jersey , and consolidate new knowledge.
The ability to discriminate between students, involve them in and let them contribute to the learning process, and allow them to source from both internal and external learning information Cheap NHL Hockey Jerseys , though necessary preconditions for learning success, does not necessarily guarantees success. A more important matter to consider in paired learning is how to make the stated concepts matter to all students and educators involved in the process and to utilize the process in an innovative manner in order to enrich the learning experience.
The purpose of this article is to provide a general functional definition of pared-learning and to propose an implementation process that could be followed by institutions of higher learning.
In general paired-learning refers to the design of a coherent, equal status inter-disciplinary learning setting in which a one-to-one learning setting is created to foster collaborative learning under the guidance of a facilitator USA Hockey Jersey , without necessarily employing extra resources, and whereby the facilitator as well as the learners can intellectually, socially and emotionally learn from experiences shared through a process of academic engagement in order to enhance learners understanding of a subject or discipline. A form of tutoring is created whereby interaction and engagement is promoted.
In essence Sweden Hockey Jersey , therefore, paired learning is embedded in a social constructed interdisciplinary, inter-learning unit learning environment whereby a learner engage someone else in knowledge production Russia Hockey Jersey , creation, improvement and innovation to accomplish more that what he or she was able to accomplish on his or her own. Following this learning approach, the learning structure approach of individual A is blend with the learning structure approach of individual B.
The process
In this section the process of establishing a paired learning environment will be briefly discussed.
1. Create a one-to-one learning setting
In its most ideal form two students should form a study team and should enroll for two or more similar courses at the university. This ensures that the learners are studying the same material. Through the creation of a one-to-one learning setting each student gets an opportunity to actively engage in the construction of knowledge in ways that require of them to learn together as a group. In this regard it is important to get learners to move away from ?habit-learning? in which they are seeking the right answers to an approach in which they are urged to seek and develop generalized concepts and models that apply to concrete experiences and to master the ability of intelligent adaptability.
This however cannot be accomplished unless each member of the team does his or her part in the learning process. What is required is that each learner shares his or her experiences as it relates to the discussion or assignment against expectations North America Hockey Jersey , communicate with and learn from his learning companion, compare and interpret ideas, draw inferences and propose possible solutions to each other.
2. Paired students have to meet at set intervals under the guidance of a helper
The paired learners should remain together as an established learning community for at least a minimum period of time during the academic year and before re-allocation occurs. The paired learners should meet at regular set intervals; say two or three times a week for around two hours at a time.
These gatherings should happen under the guidance of a helper (teacher or senior student) that may lead the discussions occurring during the learning gatherings. The helper serves as a facilitator and counselor in order to ensure that the learning team remains focus in terms of the study material or assignment. The helper is amongst others responsible for moderating the discussions of the team learners and ensuring that each member of the team assumes their share in the learning process.
3. Discussions at gathering center around a central theme
Discussions and assignments need to be organized and co-coordinated around a central theme which will link the courses or different learning units and which will allow the learners opportunity to understand a specific theme in more depth and within a coherent interdisciplinary andor inter-learning unit experience. Normally Finland Hockey Jersey , the pair-groups are given a good deal of freedom in choice of activity, but the general theme of activity should be well defined. Giving the learners freedom in terms of how they would prefer to conduct the proposed activity creates a learning environment that builds on the strengths of individual learners as well as their innovativeness.
The theme ?Transportation and destination development? may for example require that learners, source on information from logistics and tourism to pursue knowledge and arrive at a proper synthesis. Better results can be achieved if the theme for discussion is rather well defined Czech Republic Hockey Jersey , especially at the be . Cheap JerseysWholesale JerseysWholesale Jerseys [url=http://www.wholes