any side with the smoke Cartons of Newport 100s Wholesale slightly prominent incense is not harmoniously attuned, is a product defect, so the garbage, processing and processing engineering to be higher. 3. Aroma Foreign flavor cigarette is just about the first four cigarette sorts in China. Outside savoury cigarette is to point to complete artificial add sweet, face the cigarette that has distinctive outside the house fragrant smell in light up, its characteristic is brilliant outside sweet, but exceptional outside sweet should ideal, cannot cover cigarette alone inherent aroma. There are a couple of kinds of leaf group preparations for external flavor cig. One type is great smelling cigarette based Wholesale Newport Cigarettes Online on flue-cured using Wholesale Marlboro Cigarettes tobacco leaf group formula, as well as the other type is fresh cigarette based on mixed cigarette leaf group formula. Outside the house fragrant cigarette only bring the distinction of special, do not have the difference on the model. As a result of the added incense excellent, incense cigarette can be blended with a relatively low grade regarding tobacco raw materials.