i have see in last city war that our Alliance are weak in last time, our guild G_F is weak too but we work on this! but we are in the English channel the strongest guild but this is not realy enough! Iluminati will join return to English channel but this is not enough too, so we say: we will help our alliance guilds that all guild go be stronger but we need Help too!!!
what we can do for our alliance: 1.we have enough alts who can compound lvl 12timber and metal, when anyone need the special material give us a Pass and our Alt work for you. 2. we have some ppl who can go Mayan Instance, so we can go with ppl from alliance to maya and looking for Drawings! 3.we have a many tipps and tricks for game you need it!! 4. comming soon : Ares Buckshot Cannons !!!! Colony Pots!!
what can other Guilds doing for the alliance?:
Osmanli: has a Matz City who can buy Rare ci and eaglewood, when we and the other guild it buy for city price is this a big help!
Illuminati: Illu must realy be stronger in moment its so that this guild has the most provit from alliance but i think this guild when they a little be stronger so will this a realy good alliance partner!
All our Alliance member need lvl 12 ships and lvl 120 eqiupment!!!! importen is that all guild can build self the lvl 120 equipment!!
in other threads we will give infos over Atlantis update and others!
I know its a hard time in moment but all guild who leave our alliance have later a very hard time we paying in 1/10 cent return!!!
ps: whoever wants to say something about this or has an idea please reply to the thread
Of course the most important point for everyone to help each other. It increases trust between Guilds will develop more quickly known. But there are some problems. - some guilds which in our alliance r nt helping for sieges or daily activities. - if u have more real money it means u r stronger than others. - lack of information about game for some players. - time difference between the country of Guilds in our alliance. ( especially in consortia wars ) - losing some HL players for some reasons in our guilds.
What about OSMANLI? - firstly some of our top players cant join all activities in game because of RL. ( like me - NathanielHawk- Furkanbey joined army in turkey ) It ll take a few months too. - we have some Vip members but it s not enough yet. - player circulation in our guild. so we r loosing some HL players for some RL problems. - still working on to make all our players level 120 equipments and level 12 ships but it s very hard for us because of some players who dont use IM. - we have mats city and using this mats for develop our members ships or equipment but we r giving some of them to our allies for emergency needs. we still need time to level up our city.
finally OSMANLI is still tying to develop itself slowly but when me - Nathan and Furkan come back from military we try it faster as we can. But other our players ll help always our allies.
ps: i ll glad to hear any ideas for my guild OSMANLI or about our alliance
to first sorry that we was not in Madera we forget the bit time -.- please by next bittime a short message to us and we will all in madera and secure it.
than we have not realy many Vips by us but we make it that all our member helps with matz treasure and others its a team work thats we going to a strong guild!
and i mean we are one of the strongest Guild of marco polo and that because we help other member. and this we must beginn in our Alliance too i know its a hard way but when we go all this way so we can destroy the DVL alliance!!
Well hi to all friends . Me and eless can compound also LVL 12 timber and metal and eless have 120 fishing so we want help our alliance too.I think is time pay back to DVL . Thanks to all coz we can be in this alliance .