In fact, the significance behind this cooperation is far greater than the launch of a cooperative fund. This is the first Valentine's Day special series of Chinese bloggers and Replica Cheap Luxury Handbags.
Last year, the American brand RebeccaMinkoff also launched a limited edition of 1200 MissFantasy in cooperation with Chinese fashion blogger Rebecca. In January this year, the Scottish leather brand Strathberry cooperated with the Chinese New Year series. The 400 limited edition bags were sold out within 3 hours of the sale.
But regardless of brand recognition or price itself,Replica Givenchy Handbags has raised the level of cooperation between European and American fashion brands and Chinese bloggers. As can be seen from many details, luxury goods still have more cautious standards when choosing partners.
In such cooperation, the benefits of both parties are clear at a glance. Nowadays, luxury goods are paying more and more attention to the cultivation of Chinese social media. It is difficult to accumulate the number of fans in a short period of time by relying on one-page blog updates. It is a shortcut to rely on the network red diversion.
However, the timing of this marketing is quite special. Recently, another news about Fake Cheap Givenchy Bag has been widely discussed by insiders. According to The New York Times, Riccardo Tisci, the creative director of the brand, said he would leave Givenchy for 12 years.