It did not matter what I tried as a child Vincent Taylor Dolphins Jersey , even if I happened to be good at it, I was always told it was beginner s luck. And even as I grew up people continued to say Ah, its just beginners luck.
Thinking a little about the psychology behind the phenomenon of beginners luck does not make life seem very encouraging. Does this mean that society doesn t have a very elevated view of itself? Should we really be surprised when someone who is inexperienced in a game or other) can be a winner first time around?
Recently I embarked on an adventure of playing no deposit bingo to try out my theory of programming the mind into a perpetual state of something like beginners luck. I have to admit that I am so far doing very well out of this whole no deposit bingo adventure and hope to continue to prove my theory correct, as I gather in plenty of winnings! So how does this work?
In fact beginners luck is based on the fact that a relaxed focus on what we are doing is often better than a pressured or stressed focus.The term has most often been used in gambling and sport situations Jakeem Grant Dolphins Jersey , but is also used in other scenarios. Speculations say that beginners luck comes from a disconnection between the player and the pressure of the game or event. The newcomer lacks experience and does not have the additional stress of people expecting him to do well. Looking at this from the experienced players point of view, this person may feel the pressure of those who have certain expectations of him.
However on top of this the chance of having beginners luck diminishes with experience as people create habitual reality tunnels. This is the habitual way we are likely to see the world. So if you believe and think positively, and you realise that reality is what you make it, then it is feasible to continue to have beginners luck. Or perhaps you would just do away with beginners luck altogether and create a different phenomenon such as relaxed luck. The approach would depend on how you view the world. Are you a glass half full or a glass half empty person? Are you trapped in negative habitual reality tunnels which present the world to you as a rather dangerous place Bobby McCain Dolphins Jersey , a place to be conquered, not enjoyed.
Life is a chain of events and reactions, so if you can change your reactions theres a strong chance you can change your life. Since the 1970s there has been a massive growing interest in NLP neuro linguistic programming. My simple point of view on this is that it is finding the way to re program your reactions in order to achieve more positive outcomes. This simple explanation is very basic and if this is a subject of interest to you there are numerous websites and books that will do it a lot more justice than I have.
NLP is now used by many people in personal and business situations, and this system aims to educate people in self awareness and effective communication Jesse Davis Dolphins Jersey , so that they have the possibility to change their patterns of emotional and mental behaviour. The first step is taking responsibility for your own life, and taking time to become more aware about your reactions in an honest way. You can apply the law of attraction which says that peoples thoughts, both unconscious and conscious, dictates the reality of their lives Kenyan Drake Dolphins Jersey , whether they realise it or not.
This brings us back to beginners luck and how do we fit this with the law of attraction? It is the frame of mind that is important here. When you feel that you are beginning something, your mind is in the state the Zen Buddhists call Shoshin the Beginners Mind. It is eager, open and has less preconceptions and is therefore full of possibilities. So try to adopt an everything is possible attitude to re create the feeling of beginners luck and see how this affects your life. Play with this and have fun. Take it into new or old situations and test it out. You can even try it out online by playing no deposit bingo which is a lot of fun, and you can even meet people in the chat rooms w