Information Management and Governance group empowers customers by helping them attain which of the following? (Select two.)
A. communication to customers B. effective feedback C. positive business outcomes D. product announcements E. business assurance
Answer: C & E
Question: 2
What is the foundational element for empowering the organization?
A. information management B. key repositories C. information governance D. secure information
Answer: C
Question: 3
What specific trend has driven the Information Management market to grow at a 7% Compound Annual Growth Rate?
A. DevOps B. big data C. mobility D. cloud
Answer: C
Question: 4
What percentage of corporate data lives at the edge of mobility?
A. 15% B. 27% C. 55% D. 82%
Answer: C
Question: 5
Which type of data is being generated every 60 seconds that is causing organizations concern in terms of IT strategy and management?
A. dedupe data B. business data C. personal data D. Data at the Edge
Answer: A
Question: 6
Which emerging technology trend is enabling businesses to reduce IT costs Emmanuel Sanders Color Rush Jersey , while increasing the efficiency, utilization and flexibility of their current IT environment?
A. big data B. backup and recovery C. mobility D. cloud and virtualization
Answer: C
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