1. Fendi bags must be careful not to get wet. If it is wet, wipe the water with a towel. Keep the leather surface dry so that the bag does not wrinkle.
2. The Fendi bag must be careful not to be thrown away during use and should be placed in a place where it is difficult to scratch. If you discard the bag at will, it will easily scratch the bag.
3. Replica Fendi Handbags should be protected from exposure to sunlight at high temperatures. After prolonged exposure to sunlight or exposure to sunlight, the bag will be exposed to high temperatures, resulting in color loss and explosion.
4. The Fake Fendi Handbag on the matte surface should be kept clean. Do not allow dirt on the skin surface. If there is dirt, it should be cleaned in time. Otherwise, long-term dirt will remain on the skin surface, which will cause it to corrode, which will make it more difficult to remove. .
We all know that leather shoes should be treated regularly with shoe polish. Leather bags are also required for care. We can use skin moisturizers, which are commonly used to apply the skin to the skin after cleaning the Fake luxury Handbag.