Getting the Most Out of Your Breast Augmentation Health Articles | April 26 Ondrej Palat Youth Jersey , 2012 They say knowledge is power and in all truth, it is. If you want to make sure that you are getting the most out of your breast augmentation, learn all there is to know on the subject.
The most highly sought after form of plastic surgery is the breast augmentation procedure. Each year, millions of women travel from many different countries just to get their procedure done in the United States. There are several ways that a breast augmentation can be performed. Depending on the surgeon you select to perform your surgery Alex Killorn Youth Jersey , can help to determine which methods are available to you. Ultimately, more factors such as medical history, breast, size and physical makeup will all go into determining which method is best for your breast augmentation.
The breast enlargement was first performed in 1865 in Germany. Back then instead of implants J.T. Miller Youth Jersey , healthy tissue from a benign growth was placed inside of a woman's chest. Soon, with the evolution of the medical industry and technology, industrial silicone was used for enlargements. The downside to using industrial silicone was that they caused many severe complications to arise and many women, who had received breast augmentations with them Tyler Johnson Youth Jersey , had to also receive a mastectomy. Industrial silicone is highly toxic to the human body. This led to the FDA banning the use of industrial silicone in breast implants in 1992. Now there are silicone implants that are widely used, that are very safe for breast augmentations.
Saline implants are used for breast implant surgery. Saline is nontoxic and they were made to replace the more harmful industrial silicone implant. Saline implants are not as sturdy as the silicone ones since; saline implants have been known to cause a ripple appearance in the skin. The most popular kind of surgical implants are the silicone ones. Even though they were once banned in 1992, due to careful and strict regulation, silicone breast implants are more widely used than saline implants.
For patients who are not too excited with the idea of using implants for their procedure Anton Stralman Youth Jersey , there is the option to use fat micro grafting. Fat micro grafting is where fat is liposuctioned from several body parts and injected into the breasts to make them bigger. Due to the varied and unstable results of this technique, the results are often only temporary. This is a good method if you want breast implants but are not entirely sure how you would look or if they are right for you.
There are also different types of incisions that can be used for your procedure. If you want to have minimal scarring, you could have the periareolar incision performed. This type of cut is done underneath the nipple so that it is not visible. There is also the inframammary fold incision, which is done underneath the breasts Steven Stamkos Youth Jersey , the transaxillary which is performed in the arm pit and the TUBA which is done through the navel area. The type of implant, surgeon performing the procedure and breast shape and tissue mass will all be taken into consideration for your procedure.
Article Tags: Breast Augmentation, Industrial Silicone, Breast Implants Nikita Kucherov Youth Jersey , Saline Implants
Do it Right.
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